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Recent Cases

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August 2024

  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with exceptionally high drink-driving matter. Client has clear mental health challenges and treatment needs. Stevenson Legal guides client for a process of obtaining best counselling and treatment. Those matters are provided to the court who is satisfied that client is genuinely remorseful and has taken serious and sustained steps at rehabilitation. The minimum penalties are imposed.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with low range drink-driving. There is no defence to the charge however client is concerned as to the potential impact for disclosure of the offence to inhibit international travel. Clear and cogent evidence of a potential adverse impact is provided to the court to grant a spent conviction application.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of client charged with two high range drink-driving convictions both of which occurred within 15 minutes of each other. Stevenson Legal approaches prosecution and persuades the prosecution to discontinue one of the charges. That is successful and 50% of the charges are dropped.

July 2024

  • Stevenson Legal appears for a client convicted of high ranged drink-driving. Court is persuaded to impose the minimum disqualification and fine. Significantly, the court is also persuaded to grant a spent conviction in order to avoid any adverse impact to the client’s career. Client extremely happy with the result.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on to applications for an extraordinary drivers licence. Negotiations take place with Department of Transport. Neither application is opposed by the Department of Transport and both applications are granted without the need for client to provide sworn evidence.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for young client charged with reckless driving. Client is an apprentice auto electrician and evidence is provided to the court that disclosure of a reckless driving charge has the potential to adversely impact upon his career. The court agrees and grant a spent conviction in relation to the reckless driving charge.

June 2024

  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of client charged with driving without authority and speeding. Client has poor driving record and driving without authority conviction would result in a minimum nine month cumulative disqualification. Exceptional circumstances of the client is explained to the prosecution resulting in the prosecution agree to discontinue all charges. An extremely good result.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on 4 applications for an extraordinary drivers licence applications between June and July 2024. All applications are granted.

April 2024

  • Stevenson Legal appears for applicant an Extraordinary Drivers Licence application. Client requires extraordinary drivers licence to continue working in his role as an electrical supervisor for a mine site in the southern region of Western Australia. Department of Transport receive materials and submissions ahead of application and contentious issues are negotiated ahead of hearing. Accordingly, there is no opposition to clients application and the extraordinary drivers licence is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of young defendant charged with several reckless driving in police pursuit matters. Negotiations take place with the prosecution resulting in the allegation of a police pursuit being dropped and accordingly no mandatory term of imprisonment applies. Client receives a fine and disqualification from driving.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on to applications for an extraordinary drivers licence in April 2024. Both are granted.

March 2024

  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with 4th drink-driving driving matter in three years. Magistrate indicated that the starting position for sentencing would be a term of imprisonment unless the Court could be convinced to impose a lesser sentence. Extensive Plea in Mitigation provided to the court which, having considered the same, imposed only a fine and disqualification from driving.
  • Stevenson Legal acts on behalf of client charged with extreme high reading drink-driving charge. Extreme mental health challenges faced by the accused are explained to the court with clear and cogent evidence provided in support of the same. Client received minimum possible penalties.

February 2024

  • Stevenson Legal appears in District Court of Western Australia in application to remove a life disqualification from driving. Evidence and an outline of submissions provided the application is not opposed by the State Solicitor’s office and the application to remove a disqualification from driving for life is successful.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with several driving without authority matters. Client is summonsed to court given the seriousness of repeat offending. Stevenson Legal appears and persuades the Magistrate that while a term of imprisonment is warranted, it is also appropriate to suspend that term of imprisonment. Magistrate agrees and orders a suspended term of imprisonment and no actual time of imprisonment is served by the client.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on three extraordinary drivers licence applications in February 2024. All are granted.

January 2024

  • Stevenson Legal appears for three extraordinary driver’s licence applications in order to prevent the client of being deprived of their principal means of obtaining income in January 2024. All are granted by the Magistrates Court.
  • Stevenson Legal Acts for young offender facing reckless driving charges. Stevenson Legal negotiates with the prosecution for a downgrade of the charge to dangerous driving. Client obtained spent convictions for the remaining charges so they will not appear on a police clearance.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client with several high range drink-driving charge. An application is made for a ‘spent conviction’. The Magistrate granted the spent conviction application, noting that while it spent convictions are not usually granted for traffic matters the application was well made out and the criteria met.

December 2023

  • Stevenson Legal acts for client in one extraordinary drivers licence in December 2023. The application for an extraordinary drivers licence for work purposes is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal acts on behalf of client charged with reckless driving. Reckless driving is alleged to have occurred by a loss of traction during a controlled burn out. Negotiations take place between Stevenson Legal and the investigating police and the investigating police are persuaded that they cannot prove “inherent danger”. Accordingly, the matter is downgraded to 1 of dangerous driving and no disqualification of driver’s licence is ordered by the court.
  • Stevenson Legal acts on behalf of client with very high range alcohol related driving offence. Notwithstanding the extremely high reading evidence is presented as to hardship suffered by client and in particular mental harm suffered by the breakdown of a relationship. Court is persuaded to impose the minimum penalties.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for client facing 4 x charges of driving without authority. Client has a history of driving without authority convictions. Stevenson Legal appears with client and persuades the court to suspend a term of imprisonment. Accordingly, client does not spent any time incarcerated.

November 2023

  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with first offence drink-driving. Minimum penalties are obtained and more importantly a spent conviction order is granted which allows client to visit family in Canada. Stevenson Legal continues to act for client in relation to a application for an extraordinary drivers licence which is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to 3 extraordinary drivers licenses in the month of November 2023. All are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for young offender charged with reckless driving. A spent conviction is obtained as client is on the verge of completing a trades apprenticeship and the disclosure of a reckless driving charge would harm his chances of obtaining employment in the future.
  • Stevenson Legal appears by audio link at Busselton magistrates Court in relation to a client charged with a bundle of traffic offences. Matter is dealt with without the clients need to attend at court in person. Minimum penalties are obtained.

October 2023

  • Stevenson Legal attends on to extraordinary drivers licence applications in October. Both are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for client charged with disorderly conduct and failing to leave licensed premises. Negotiations take place with the prosecution who are persuaded to discontinue one of the charges. Sentencing proceeds in relation to the other charge. Significant mitigating materials including mental health challenges are brought to the court’s attention. A very moderate fine is imposed and a spent conviction is granted so client does not need to disclose or tell people about the conviction.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for client charged with theft of a motor vehicle. Client hold high-ranking position with an Australian government and requires a spent conviction. That order is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal acts on behalf of 18-year-old client charged with reckless driving. Negotiations take place with the prosecution and the matter is downgraded to one of dangerous driving.
  • Stevenson Legal appears at Rockingham Magistrates Court and, despite objections of prosecution obtains a spent conviction order.

September 2023

  • Client charged with significant amount of traffic and drug charges. Negotiations take place with the police for the discontinuance of some charges and amendments made to the statement of material facts. Sentencing proceeds and Stevenson Legal obtains spent conviction order is on remaining charges and client does not need to disclose these convictions going forward.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for client charged with failing to provide police information pursuant to a section 38 police request. Upon advice client pleads not guilty to charge the matter proceeds to trial. Negotiations take place prior to trial with the prosecution. Prosecution is satisfied that they have no realistic prospect of a successful conviction and voluntarily bring the prosecution to an end. Stevenson Legal make successful application for an order for part payment of clients legal fees.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in Armadale magistrates Court, Fremantle magistrates Court, and Joondalup magistrates Court in relation to drink-driving matters. Minimum penalties obtained on each matter.
  • Stevenson Legal represents client charged with multiple instances of driving without authority. The court is persuaded to impose the minimum penalties and not impose any term of imprisonment.

August 2023

  • Stevenson Legal attends on three extraordinary drivers licence applications in August 2023. All are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal attends on drink-driving matter (second offence) and attends at court. Minimum disqualification imposed.
  • Stevenson Legal appears at district court for application to make past conviction spent. Application is successful and convictions are removed from clients disclosable court outcomes on National Police Clearance.
  • Stevenson Legal attends on reckless driving matter and negotiates with police. Matter is downgraded to dangerous driving and is accordingly dealt with by a fine only and no disqualification from drivers licence.
  • Stevenson Legal appears by audio link at Narrogin <agistrates Court in relation to a drink-driving matter. Application is made and granted for a spent conviction.

July 2023

  • Stevenson Legal lawyers acts in relation to a client charged with reckless driving pursuant to section 60 of the Road Traffic Act 1974. Negotiations take place with the prosecution and issues of intent and inherent danger are raised successfully. As a consequence of the prosecution agree to downgrade the charge to one of dangerous driving pursuant to section 61 of the Road Traffic Act 1974 and client avoids a mandatory six month disqualification from driving.
  • Stevenson Legal solicitors acts for client charged with common assault pursuant to the Criminal Code of Western Australia. Negotiations take place with the prosecution to amend the statement of material facts. Other mitigating circumstances in relation to clients prior history are put before the court in mitigation.
  • Stevenson Legal lawyers acts in relation to several extraordinary drivers licence applications. All are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal lawyers acts for young offender in the Children’s Court of Western Australia charged with reckless driving pursuant to section 60 of the Road Traffic Act 1974. Stevenson Legal appears and persuades the court to record no conviction and obtains a good behaviour bond of only $50.00 as a sentence.

June 2023

  • Stevenson Legal lawyers appears on to extraordinary drivers licence applications in the month of June 2023. All are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal lawyers appears in relation to reckless driving charge. Negotiations take place with police and the reckless driving charge is downgraded to one of careless driving. Client avoids a disqualification from driving for reckless driving under section 60 of the Road Traffic Act 1974 and instead receives a fine only for careless driving section 62 of the Road Traffic Act 1974.
  • Stevenson Legal lawyers acts for client charged with driving without authority. There are extenuating circumstances that gave rise to the driving without authority contrary to section 49 of the Road Traffic Act 1974 incident. Negotiations take place with prosecuting to agree to discontinue the charge. Matter is discontinued and client avoids the mandatory nine months cumulative disqualification from driving without authority contrary to section 49 of the Road Traffic Act 1974.
  • Stevenson Legal solicitors acts for young offender charged with reckless driving by speed (45 km/h over the posted speed limit contrary to section 60 of the Road traffic act. Stevenson Legal appears in court and successfully argues for a spent conviction pursuant to section 45 of the Spent Convictions Act. The conviction is now non-disclosable and will not appear on a national police clearance.
  • Stevenson Legal solicitors acts for client charged with offences arising from the Misuse of Drugs Act 1981 including possession of prohibited drugs and controlled drugs. An application is made and granted for a spent conviction in accordance with a spent conviction legislation which is successful and the matter will not appear on a national police clearance (with some exceptions such as a working with children check).

May 2023

  • In the month of May 2023 Stevenson Legal appears on five extraordinary drivers licence applications. All five applications are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for a young offender charged with reckless driving. Client suffers from serious mental health challenges. An application is made for a spent conviction so the young offender does not need to disclose the conviction for the next 10 years. The application is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in the Perth children’s Court in relation to a reckless driving charge. Stevenson Legal applies to the court to have no conviction recorded and no fine imposed. The court agrees and no conviction is recorded against of the client.
  • Stevenson Legal assists clients with preparation of their own extraordinary drivers licence applications.

April 2023

  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to client charged with driving without authority. There are extenuating circumstances in relation to the driving without authority charge. Stevenson Legal negotiates with prosecuting for the matter to be discontinued. As a result police agreed to discontinue the matter. There is accordingly no conviction and no disqualification from driving.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of client charged with failing to comply with a police request for information pursuant to section 34 of the Road Traffic (Administration) Act (2008). Stevenson Legal attends at trial and persuades the prosecution to discontinue the charge owing to serious deficiencies in the prosecution case. The matter is dismissed and an order for payment of legal fees granted by the court.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to high range drink-driving matter. Significant amount of materials are put to the court evidencing steps taken by client subsequent to the offending. As a result the court imposes the minimum penalties notwithstanding a very high reading and traffic incident.

March 2023

  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to reckless driving matter. Application is made for a spent conviction owing to the potential adverse impact a disclose to conviction may have on the client’s future career prospects. The application is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to 2 applications for an extraordinary drivers licence in the month of March 2023. Both are granted.
  • Client appears in relation to a client charged with fifth driving without authority matter. The police seek an immediate term of imprisonment. Stevenson Legal appears and persuades the court to impose a suspended term of imprisonment meaning that the client does not need to serve any time in prison.

February 2023

  • Stevenson Legal attends to 3 extraordinary drivers licence applications in the month of February 2023. All are granted
  • Stevenson Legal appears the young offender charged with driving with an illicit substance in blood. Application is made for a spent conviction and is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in the District Court of Western Australia for an application to overturn a life disqualification from driving. The application is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of client charter of reckless driving. A review of CCTV footage indicates that the police will be unable to prove intent. Negotiations commence with prosecution and the matter is downgraded to a charge of careless driving. As a result of the client faces a fine only and no disqualification of license.

January 2023

  • Stevenson Legal acts on behalf of client charged with failing to keep sufficient details to comply with a request for driver identity information. The matter proceeds to trial. However on the morning of the trial negotiations take place between Stevenson Legal and the prosecution. The result is that the prosecution agree to discontinue the trial. The matter is discontinued and client obtains an order for payment of his legal fees.
  • In the month of January 2023 Stevenson Legal appears on three extraordinary drivers licence applications. All are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of client are charged with careless driving, possession of cannabis, and driving with an illicit substance in the blood. Stevenson Legal appears and obtains spent convictions in relation to all three charges.
  • Stevenson Legal appears the young offender charged with various reckless driving charges. Client has a number of mental health challenges and clear and cogent evidence of the same is presented to the court who orders spent convictions in relation to all charges.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to contested extraordinary drivers licence application with the Department of Transport. Application is granted.

December 2022

  • Stevenson Legal provide advice in relation to a section 34(2) driver identity request made by Western Australian police pursuant to the Road Traffic (Administration) Act. Disqualification from driving is avoided.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to 4 drink-driving charges Pursuant to section 64 of the Road Traffic Act 1974. The minimum penalties are obtained in relation to each matter.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client seeking a spent conviction in relation to a low range drink-driving matter pursuant to section 64A of the Road Traffic Act 1974. Application for a spent conviction is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to traffic matter. Client accepts they have committed an offence but do not agree with the statement of material facts. Negotiations take place with Perth police prosecuting and the statement of material facts is amended accordingly.

November 2022

  • In the month of November 2022 Stevenson legal appears on 3 x applications for an extraordinary drivers licence aimed at preventing an undue financial burden by the client being deprived of their principal means of obtaining income. All 3 x applications for an extraordinary drivers licence are granted by the Perth Magistrates Court of Western Australia.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to a client charged with driving without authority and reckless driving. Minimum penalties and spent convictions are granted by the Perth Magistrates Court.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for extraordinary drivers licence application in order to prevent the client being deprived of the only reasonably practical way to get to and from the place that they are employed. Application is granted and client is able to drive for work purposes using the extraordinary drivers licence.

October 2022

  • Stevenson Legal acts for client in relation to reckless driving charge. Stevenson Legal appears for sentencing and a spent conviction for a young offender is secured.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for young offender charged with both of reckless driving and driving without authority. Client has significant mental health challenges and a spent conviction is sought and granted with respect to all four charges.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client convicted of seventh and eighth of driving without authority charges. Police prosecution seek an immediate term of imprisonment. Stevenson Legal appears and persuades the Magistrate to impose a suspended term of imprisonment meaning that client does not need to serve any time in prison so long as they do not reoffend.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for extraordinary drivers licence at Perth Magistrate’s Court. Application is opposed by the Department of Transport but Magistrate is persuaded that client meets the criteria and the extraordinary drivers licence is granted at Perth Magistrate’s Court.

September 2022

  • Stevenson Legal appears on two applications for an extraordinary drivers licence in the month of September 2022. Both are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to 3 high range drink-driving matters (each above 0.15% blood alcohol content). Significant amount of materials are provided to the court which imposes minimum disqualification.

August 2022

  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to 3 x applications for an extraordinary drivers licence in the month of October 2022. All are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with high range drink-driving. A spent conviction is sought to facilitate clients future career prospects. Application for spent conviction is granted by the Magistrates Court. Conviction is no longer disclosable.

July 2022

  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to 6 extraordinary drivers licence applications between early July 2022 and early August 2022. All are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal acts on behalf of client charged with various traffic matters including failing to comply with police directions. Negotiations with police take place and that charge is discontinued.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of client charged with dangerous driving. Significant amendments are negotiated with respect to the statement of material facts and client, while convicted, receives a fine of only $250.00 and no disqualification.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of client charged with drink-driving. Significant materials are provided to the court and the prosecution advance of an application for a spent conviction on the basis that disclosure of the conviction would likely act as a significant impediment to clients future career path. Application is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of client in District Court of Western Australia for application to remove a life disqualification. Application is not opposing client’s life disqualification is removed.

June 2022

  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to client charged with reckless driving. Conviction for that offence will carry with it a ‘triggering cause’ for a previously suspended term of imprisonment. Detailed submissions and evidence are provided to the investigating officer and prosecution and the matter is successfully downgraded to a charge of causing excessive noise and smoke. Conviction on that basis does not trigger a suspended term of imprisonment and the matter is finalised to client’s satisfaction.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to 3 extraordinary drivers licence applications in the month of June 2022. All are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to client charged with high range drink-driving. Client is involved in overseas trade and commercial negotiations and a non-spent conviction will prevent client from travelling to Canada for business purposes. Very detailed submissions are provided to the court and prosecution and an application for a spent conviction is successfully made. Client does not need to disclose the conviction.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to young client charged with drink-driving. Client suffers from a number of mental health challenges and detailed submissions together with psychologist and psychiatrist reports are provided to the court in support of an application for a spent conviction. That application is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to client charged with drink-driving. An application for a spent conviction is made and granted noting the circumstances of the particular offence and certain mental health challenges faced by client.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to client charged with two counts of careless driving occasioning bodily harm and grievous bodily harm. Notwithstanding that each charge is punishable by way of a term of imprisonment and a fine of up to $36,000.00 each, a successful plea in mitigation is made and client receives a moderate disqualification from driving and moderate fine only.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with various traffic matters. Mistakes are identified by the charging officer and negotiations are made for the withdrawal of approximately half of the charges including the charge of drink-driving.

May 2022

  • Stevenson Legal appears on three applications for extraordinary driver’s licence in May 2022. All are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in Joondalup Magistrates Court in relation to client charged with mid range drink-driving. Client has spent many years obtaining training and qualification for a specialised field and occupation. Vital to that endeavour is obtaining a spent conviction so future employment is not impeded. Detailed submissions are provided to the court who accepts that a spent conviction order is appropriate. That order is granted. Client does not need to disclose the conviction.
  • Client is charged with reckless driving. Submissions are put to investigating officers in relation to a downgrade of charge which is accepted and the charge of reckless driving is downgraded to a less serious matter.

April 2022

  • Stevenson Legal appears on three extraordinary drivers licence applications in April 2022. All are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears at Mandurah magistrates Court for client charged with multiple driving without authority charges in circumstances where a significant amount of prior convictions for that same charge are present. Court takes the view that the matter is so serious only a term of imprisonment can be imposed. Stevenson Legal appears and make submissions in relation to the suspension of the term of imprisonment. Court accepts that it would be appropriate to suspend that term of imprisonment and that is ordered. Client spends no time in prison.
  • Stevenson Legal appears at Perth Magistrates Court for client convicted of very high drink-driving offence. Submissions are made in relation to a spent conviction. Court accepts submissions provided by Stevenson Legal that, notwithstanding the very high reading provided, it would nevertheless be appropriate to grant a spent conviction order. That order occurs and client is not compelled to disclose the conviction to future employers/insurers.

March 2022

  • Stevenson Legal appears on two extraordinary drivers licence applications in March 2022. Both are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal acts on behalf of client with high range drink-driving matter including a serious accident. Significant mitigating circumstances presented to the court and client obtained the minimum available penalties.
  • Stevenson Legal acts on behalf of client charged with drink-driving and disorderly conduct. Negotiations take place with investigating police officers with the result that the disorderly contact charge is discontinued by police.
  • Stevenson legal advises and represents client charged with reckless driving which, if convicted, will result in a mandatory minimum disqualification. Submissions are provided to police in relation to the issue of intent. Police are persuaded to downgrade the charge from reckless driving to dangerous driving. No mandatory disqualification applies.

February 2022

  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with careless driving occasioning bodily harm. Significant submissions and materials are provided to the court in sentencing together with negotiations with the prosecution for a significant amendment to the relevant statement of material facts. Client receives a fine of less than 10% of the maximum allowable fine and the minimum possible disqualification period.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client in rural magistrates Court. The charge is one of reckless driving which would result in a minimum of six month disqualification. Stevenson legal negotiate with the prosecution and the charge is downgraded to one of dangerous driving which attracts no minimum disqualification period. Client receives a fine and no disqualification.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for young adult offender at the Perth Magistrates Court charged with reckless driving. Submissions are put to the court in relation to the granting of a spent conviction order. Magistrate agrees that it would be appropriate to grant a spent conviction order and that order is made.

January 2022

  • Client is charged with driving with a radar detection device. Client maintains he was unaware of its existence. Negotiations take place with police prosecuting who agree to discontinue the charge. Client is awarded costs.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client in Karratha charged with high range drink-driving (DUI). Significant documents and materials are provided to the court for sentencing purposes in support of an application for a spent conviction. Notwithstanding the very high reading recorded the Magistrate is persuaded that the granting of a spent conviction order is appropriate and that order is made. Client does not need to disclose the conviction to future employers.
  • In the month of January 2022 Stevenson Legal appears on two applications for an extraordinary drivers licence. Both are granted.

December 2021

  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of 17-year-old minor instructed by parents in relation to a charge of reckless driving. Relevant alleged behaviour is Court on police secret surveillance camera. Stevenson Legal forms the view that the police will be unable to establish either that the vehicle was driven in a way that was inherently dangerous or that the driver maintained sufficient intent. Prosecution agree with submissions and the charge is formally discontinued with an order for costs granted covering client’s legal expenses.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of client charged with careless driving occasioning bodily harm. Stevenson Legal appears at sentencing. In addition to obtaining a moderate fine only the court is persuaded to grant a spent conviction so that client does not need to disclose the conviction to future employers/insurers.
  • Stevenson legal appears for client charged with drink-driving excess 0.08%. Stevenson legal appears and obtains not only the minimum fine and disqualification but also a spent conviction order.
  • In the month of December 2021 Stevenson Legal appears for two separate clients for extraordinary drivers licence applications. All are granted.

November 2021

  • Stevenson Legal appears by telephone link to Margaret River Magistrates Court on behalf of client charged with reckless driving. Mitigating circumstances are put to the court and the minimum fine and penalty imposed.
  • Stevenson Legal acts on behalf of client charged with driving with a radar detecting device. Client maintains he was unaware of the existence of the device when he purchased it. A significant amount of materials are presented to police prosecution. Stevenson Legal liaises with police prosecution and persuades them that a defence at trial of “honest and reasonable mistake of fact” will apply. The prosecution agree and formally discontinue the charge. An order for costs is sought and granted covering the vast majority of clients incurred expenses.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of client charged with high range drink-driving. The personal history of the client and circumstances leading up to the offence are highly mitigatory. A significant amount of evidence is provided to the court in support of a spent conviction. The court takes the unusual step of granting a spent conviction in relation to a high range drink-driving offence noting in particular the personal circumstances of the client.
  • In the month of November 2021 Stevenson Legal appears for two separate clients for extraordinary drivers licence applications. All are granted.

October 2021

  • Stevenson legal appears in the District Court of Western Australia seeking an order for the removal of several life disqualification is imposed upon client 10 years ago. Client is in New South Wales and unable to attend at court in person. Stevenson Legal liaises with the State solicitors office who indicate that they do not oppose the application. Client is able to appear by telephone link, application is granted, and client is now able to lawfully drive.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for client charged with reckless driving. Reckless driving attracts a minimum 6 month disqualification which would have left the client unable to work. Submissions are made to the investigating police officer focusing particularly on the issue of intent. Stevenson Legal successfully argues that the prosecution will not be able to demonstrate intent and accordingly the appropriate charge is one of dangerous driving rather than one of reckless driving. The charge is accordingly downgraded and client receives a fine only with no disqualification.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with high range drink-driving while under suspension for a number of prior high range drink-driving offences. The matter is serious and police prosecution submit to the court that the only appropriate sentence would be an immediate term of imprisonment. Stevenson Legal appears and persuades the court that no term of imprisonment is necessary. The court agrees and imposes a community-based order together with fines.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of 18-year-old charged with reckless driving. Client is young and wishes to work in the automotive industry and is concerned about the impact of disclosing a conviction of that type for the next 10 years. Stevenson Legal appears and provides submissions to the court in support of a spent conviction application. That application is granted and accordingly client does not need to disclose the conviction to future employers/insurers.
  • In the month of October 2021 Stevenson Legal appears for three separate clients for extraordinary drivers licence applications. All are granted.

September 2021

  • Stevenson Legal acts for client who believes that the penalty provided by the Magistrate for an offence was a mistake. Stevenson Legal negotiates with relevant court prosecutors who agree to amend the penalty provided without the need for any further court appearances.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with high range drink-driving offence. There are significant mitigating circumstances in relation to the client’s state of mind at the time the offence was committed. While those mitigating circumstances do not provide a defence to the charge they are highly relevant to an application for a spent conviction in circumstances where disclosure of the conviction could impact upon client’s future employability. A significant amount of written submissions are provided to the court ahead of hearing. Ultimately spent conviction is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in District Court of Western Australia for an application to remove a life disqualification imposed 10 years earlier. State solicitors office requests further information and materials to be provided. Stevenson Legal arranges for supplementary affidavits and evidence to be provided. Upon receipt of those documents the application is not opposed and the life disqualification is removed.

August 2021

  • Three applications are made for an extraordinary drivers licence. All are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal receives instructions from our client charged with reckless driving. Client relies on license in order to work and thus retaining the ability to drive is critical for financial security. Stevenson Legal reviews evidence provided by police and subsequently makes submissions for a downgrade of the charge from one of reckless driving to one of dangerous driving. That negotiation is successful. Client is convicted of dangerous driving which carries no mandatory term of disqualification. No disqualification is imposed and client is able to retain ability to work.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in Rockingham magistrates Court in relation to a client face in a drink-driving charge. While client has a number of previous drink-driving convictions there has been a long period of non-offending and a change in attitude towards alcohol consumption between convictions. Evidence is provided to the court that persuades it to view the current offence as an isolated offence notwithstanding the past convictions. Minimum penalties are provided.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for 18-year-old client charged with reckless driving by speed. Client has only recently commenced work in an industry where the disclosure of a reckless driving conviction could adversely affect their future employment prospects. An application was made to the court for a spent conviction so that the conviction is not disclosable to future employers/insurers. Application is successful and spent conviction is granted.

July 2021

  • Stevenson Legal appears for client dealing with second drink-driving conviction. Matter is dealt with by way of written submissions given the remote location of the registry of the Magistrates Court. Matter is dealt with in client’s absence. Minimum penalties imposed after provision of mitigating materials.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in Fremantle Magistrates Court for client facing charges of high range drink-driving (excess 0.15%) and dangerous driving occasioning bodily harm. Significant amount of materials in mitigation are provided to the court which proceeds to impose a disqualification from driving and fine. No term of imprisonment is ordered.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to 2 applications for extraordinary driver’s licenses both made at Perth Magistrate’s Court. Both applications are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client facing first offence high range drink-driving. Minimum penalties are imposed. Further, an application is made for a spent conviction meaning that the offence does not appear on client’s permit traffic/criminal record. Detailed written submissions are provided to the court in advance of the hearing. Despite objection by the prosecution the Magistrate is persuaded to grant a spent conviction and that order is made.

June 2021

  • Stevenson Legal acts on behalf of person charged with careless driving. Medical evidence discloses a potential medical reason that would explain the manner of driving. Significant amount of medical evidence is gathered and presented to police. Police prosecution are persuaded to discontinue the charge of careless driving. The charge is formally discontinued and an order for costs from the court was obtained. Client extremely happy with result.
  • In the month of June 2021 Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of 5 separate clients seeking 5 separate extraordinary drivers licence applications. 4 of the 5 applications were opposed by the Department of Transport. 5 out of 5 were granted. All clients now able to resume work despite being previously disqualified by the courts.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of client subject to a life disqualification from driving. An application is made to the District Court of Western Australia and the life disqualification is successfully removed.

May 2021

  • Stevenson Legal appears for professional person charged with drink-driving offence. Client is concerned about the potential impact for disclosure that a drink-driving conviction may have on their career and in particular in regards overseas travel. An application for a spent conviction is sought and, despite opposition by police prosecution, Stevenson Legal persuades the Magistrate to grant the spent conviction. The conviction is now no longer ordinarily disclosable.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for client who is charged with refusing a breath test. Circumstances of the case disclose a potential defence for the charge relating to the psychological state of the client at the time the request was made. Significant evidence is obtained and presented to police prosecution. Prosecution are persuaded to discontinue the charge. An order for costs from the court was obtained. Client is extremely happy that the police case is dropped.

April 2021

  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with criminal damage. Negotiations take place between Stevenson Legal and police prosecution resulting in a discontinuance of the charge against the client. An order for costs from the court was obtained.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for self employed plumber seeking an extraordinary drivers licence. Application is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with multiple reckless driving charges and speeding at extreme speeds throughout Perth metropolitan area. Notwithstanding the seriousness of the case Stevenson Legal appears and a  total disqualification period of 9 months was imposed. Extremely good result given the seriousness of the case and potential for imprisonment.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in proceedings for an assault charge. Police prosecution failed to disclose relevant evidence prior to trial. Application is made seeking that the police be ordered to disclose that information. Application is successful and important evidence is disclosed.
  • Stevenson Legal appears at Midland Magistrates Court for client who is charged with reckless driving. Client instructs to seek a spent conviction so the conviction does not need to be disclosed. Despite vigourous opposition from police prosecution the application for a spent conviction is granted. The conviction will no longer appear on ordinary national police clearances.

March 2021

  • Stevenson Legal appears on 5  separate extraordinary drivers licence applications in March 2021. All are successful.

February 2021

  • Stevenson Legal for client charged with careless driving occasioning grievous bodily harm. Notwithstanding that the injuries are serious Stevenson legal appears and argues for a lenient sentence to be imposed. That is successful and client is provided with a fine only
  • Stevenson Legal acts for client charged with domestic violence case. It appears that the prosecution have not disclosed all relevant information. Stevenson Legal contacts prosecution who refuse to provide the disclosable evidence. Urgent application is made to the court for an order compelling the prosecution to disclose that evidence. Application is successful and significant evidence is released from prosecution to the defence.

January 2021

  • Stevenson Legal appears for driver convicted of driving without authority while having a blood alcohol content above 0.08% and while under a life suspension. Court is persuaded to not impose an immediate term of imprisonment. Term of imprisonment is suspended and client avoids immediate term in jail
  • Stevenson Legal appears that client charged with driving with cannabis in the bloodstream. Stevenson legal appears and argues for a spent conviction and is successful meaning that the client does not need to disclose this conviction to any future employees.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with reckless driving. Having reviewed the evidence it appears that the prosecution cannot prove the requisite intent and negotiations take place for a downgrade of the charge to the less serious charge of dangerous driving. Those negotiations are successful and the matter is downgraded.

December 2020

  • Stevenson Legal appears for extraordinary driver’s licence in relation to client who is sole income earner for his family. The Department of Transport prosecution opposes the application. Nevertheless the Magistrate is persuaded that it is appropriate to grant the application and client is provided with an extraordinary drivers licence and thus retains his employment.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on extraordinary Drivers Licence application for musician who was required to travel to various places around Perth to perform. Again, the application is opposed by the Department of Transport but the Magistrate is again persuaded by Stevenson Legal to grant the application.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for client charged with reckless driving. Negotiations with the prosecution take place and is successful in downgrading the charge is one of reckless driving to one of careless driving. Accordingly, while client is convicted there is no loss of license by disqualification.

November 2020

  • Stevenson Legal appears for client caught driving under a life disqualification with excess 0.08% blood alcohol content. Negotiations with prosecution commence and a plea in mitigation is provided to the Magistrates Court resulting in fines and disqualifications only and no term of imprisonment.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for extraordinary driver’s licence for member of Australian Defence Force. Client seeks the ability to drive within the entire jurisdiction of Western Australia, 7 days per week, 24 hours per day. While such broad parameters are unusual in an extraordinary drivers licence the Magistrate is nevertheless persuaded that those parameters are appropriate in the circumstances.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged and convicted of careless driving occasioning bodily harm. Submissions are put to the court as to the adverse impact the disclosure of the conviction would likely have on clients career. The Magistrate accepts those submissions and orders that the conviction be made spent meaning that the conviction is no longer disclosable.

September 2020

  • Stevenson Legal appears in Mandurah Magistrates Court for client charged and convicted of driving without authority while on a suspended term of imprisonment for an earlier conviction of driving without authority. Significant mitigating circumstances were presented to the court who proceeded to only impose a further suspended term of imprisonment. Client did not have to spend any time incarcerated. An excellent result.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to a charge of possession of a firearm together with ammunition. Stevenson Legal appears  at court and provides lengthy plea in mitigation submissions. Magistrate persuaded to impose a suspended term of imprisonment only. Client avoids jail notwithstanding the seriousness of the offence

August 2020

  • Client charged with driving with extremely high blood alcohol content and driving without authority. Licence had been disqualified for life 8 years earlier. Magistrate imposed a term of imprisonment. However Stevenson Legal makes submissions as to the appropriateness of suspending the term of imprisonment. Those submissions were accepted and accordingly client did not spend any time incarcerated.
  • Stevenson Legal appears in relation to a drink-driving matter (second conviction). Notwithstanding that this was a second conviction for drink-driving the court was nevertheless persuaded that there were exceptional circumstances that play that would justify providing a spent conviction. That application for a spent conviction was granted and accordingly client does not need to disclose the most recent drink-driving conviction.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for emergency application for extraordinary driver’s licence. Time between first contact with client and the granting of an extraordinary drivers licence is 16 days including the mandatory 14 day waiting period (a new record for Stevenson Legal). Excellent and fast result and client extremely satisfied.

July 2020

  • Stevenson Legal appears in Perth Magistrates Court for three applications for extraordinary driver’s licence with respect to 3 separate clients on the same day. All three applications are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears at in the Fremantle Magistrates Court on behalf of client charged with drink-driving offence. In particular, an application is made for a spent conviction meaning that the conviction does not appear on the usual police/traffic records and is not required to be disclosed to 3rd parties in order to prevent an adverse impact upon employment. Application is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for client charged with driving without authority in circumstances where there appears to be a defence of sudden emergency. Significant work undertaken in obtaining evidence setting out the circumstances of sudden emergency. Negotiations with prosecuting take place and result in agreement that the charge will be discontinued and client’s legal costs paid by the State.

June 2020

  • Stevenson Legal acts for client with complicated extraordinary drivers licence application involving several businesses. Stevenson Legal negotiate with Department of Transport prosecutors to eliminate issues ahead of hearing date. Application granted.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for client charged with reckless driving offence. Matter is negotiated with investigating officer and prosecutor and matter is downgraded to a charge of dangerous driving. Matter accordingly proceeds with no mandatory loss of license.

May 2020

  • Stevenson Legal acts for the applicant to the District Court of Western Australia for removal of a life disqualification imposed 20 years ago. The application is not opposed by the State Solicitors Office acting on behalf of the CEO of the Department of Transport and the application is granted. Client’s life disqualification from driving is removed.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for client seeking an extraordinary drivers license at the Perth Magistrates Court pursuant to a drink-driving charge. Evidence is provided that the license is necessary for client’s job as a rural farmhand. Application is granted and client is permitted to drive for work purposes.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client with very high drink-driving matter in the Armadale Magistrates Court. Evidence is provided of clients rehabilitative efforts and otherwise good character and receives the minimum fine and disqualification.

April 2020

  • Stevenson Legal acts for client charged with driving with imitation/false registration plates. Evidence suggests that client unknowingly purchased the vehicle with the false plates in place. Submissions are made to Perth prosecuting seeking a discontinuance. Discontinuance and the dismissal of the charge is agreed. Charges are dropped.
  • Young offender charged with high range drink-driving offence. Stevenson Legal appears in the Children’s Court of Western Australia and successfully seeks the equivalent of a spent conviction (no conviction recorded) on the basis that a recorded conviction may interfere with the client’s overseas travel and study plans. Application granted.

March 2020

  • Overseas client is charged with driving with an illicit drug in the bloodstream. Spent conviction is sought and granted by the Magistrates Court.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for client charged with refusing a breath test. Evidence suggests there may have been a valid medical reason for refusal of the breath test. Comprehensive submissions and medical evidence are provided to police prosecuting seeking a dismissal of the charges. Prosecution agree, charges are dropped, the matter is dismissed, and costs in favour of the client are ordered by the court.

February 2020

  • Stevenson Legal acts for client with second high range of drink-driving charge. Application is made for a spent conviction (meaning that the offence is not disclosable to 3rd parties). Despite opposition from the prosecution the Magistrates court is persuaded to grant a spent conviction notwithstanding that it is a second offence.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for small business owner in extraordinary drivers licence application after licence disqualified due to reckless driving. Department of Transport prosecutor’s do not oppose the application on the basis of evidence included in the supporting affidavit. Extraordinary drivers licence is granted.

January 2020

  • Stevenson Legal acts for self-employed home restorer for low range drink-driving charge. Unfortunately prior history results in a minimum disqualification from driving. Application is made for an Extraordinary Drivers Licence which is granted without the need for the client to provide any oral evidence. Presiding Magistrate notes the thoroughness of the affidavit provided and the application is granted.
  • Client charged with 8 counts of driving without authority. A term of imprisonment by way of sentence is a significant concern. Stevenson Legal adjourns court matter to ascertain the relevant history of how client came to be driving without authority. Significant factors are found that reduce the culpability of the client. Those matters are put to the court who declines to impose any term of immediate imprisonment.
  • Client is charged with dangerous driving occasioning grievous bodily harm. Stevenson Legal negotiates with prosecution to have matter downgraded to one of careless driving occasioning grievous bodily harm. The minimum disqualification from driving is lowered from 2 years to 3 months.
  • Stevenson legal appears by audio link at regional Magistrates Court in relation to charges including failing to report an accident to police and creating a false belief. Negotiations take place with the prosecution in relation to the statement of material facts in sentencing submissions are provided obtain the best possible outcome for client.

December 2019

  • Client appears on three extraordinary drivers licence applications listed on the same day at Perth Magistrate’s Court. All three extraordinary drivers licence applications are granted and clients are able to drive for work purposes.
  • Stevenson Legal traffic lawyers appear on careless driving causing grievous bodily harm charge. Submissions are put to the court in sentencing including an application for a spent conviction. That application is granted and a spent conviction order is made meaning the client does not need to disclose that conviction to 3rd parties.
  • Stevenson Legal traffic lawyers appears on charges including dangerous driving causing grievous bodily harm charge. Negotiations with prosecution take place resulting in a significant downgrading of that charge and reducing the applicable minimum mandatory disqualification from driving from 2 years to 3 months.

November 2019

  • Client charged with breaching the terms of an extraordinary drivers licence. The court is bound by traffic legislation to cancel the extraordinary drivers licence unless it is satisfied that there are “special circumstances”. Extensive written submissions are provided to the court by Stevenson Legal setting out the “special circumstances”. Court agrees with submissions and declines to cancel the extraordinary drivers licence issuing a small fine instead.

October 2019

  • Client charged with driving with an illicit substance in the blood. Plea of guilty is entered and matter is transferred from regional court to Perth Court for sentencing. As sentencing Stevenson Legal makes application for a spent conviction which is granted. Client does not need to disclose this offence to future employers.
  • Client charged with reckless driving. Negotiations with police take place and matter is downgraded to a simple speeding offence meaning there is no mandatory loss of license.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for client convicted of reckless driving. Application for a spent conviction on the basis that client works in trucking industry accepted and granted. Further, application for extraordinary drivers licence made and granted. Client is able to continue working as a truck driver.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for extraordinary driver’s licence for professional truck driver. It a driver’s licence is granted and client is granted the ability to drive his vehicle to and from his place of work and also to drive MC class trucks in order to retain his employment.

September 2019

  • Stevenson Legal appears on two extraordinary drivers licence matters in Perth Magistrate’s Court. Both matters are granted. One of the extraordinary drivers licence applications is granted for both work and medical reasons and the usual requirement to display ‘E’ plates is not ordered. Excellent result.
  • Stevenson Legal’s traffic lawyer appears in Joondalup Magistrates Court for client charged with careless driving and drink-driving. Spent conviction is sought by client but opposed by prosecution. Nick Stevenson provide submissions to the court which ultimately agrees agrees to provide a spent conviction to client meaning that the conviction does not need to be disclosed to future employers. Great result.
  • Client is charged with high range drink-driving. The facts are that police arrive well after the driving event and that alcohol police cannot demonstrate that alcohol was consumed before driving. Submissions are put to prosecution seeking a discontinuance of the charge. Those submissions are successful and police withdraw the charge. Further, a court order is made for payment of client’s legal fees. Excellent result for Stevenson Legal’s traffic lawyers.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for extraordinary drivers licence application in relation to client with small business. Application is granted without the need for client to provide any testimonial evidence.

August 2019

  • Stevenson Legal appears on two extraordinary drivers licence applications at Perth Magistrate’s Court. Both applications are granted despite opposition from the Department of Transport prosecution.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on application by police prosecution for impounding of clients vehicle. Submissions are put to the court as to why impounding would represent a disproportionate outcome to the overall culpability involved. That argument is accepted and the police prosecution application for impoundment of vehicle is denied.
  • Stevenson Legal appears at Perth Magistrate’s Court dealing with two extraordinary drivers licence applications on the same day. Based on the strength of the supporting affidavits filed prior to the hearing, both applications are granted without opposition from the Department of Transport and without the need for either client to provide oral evidence in court.

July 2019

  • Stevenson Legal appears in Perth Magistrates Court in relation to very high drink-driving charge in circumstances where multiple traffic accidents caused. Notwithstanding the seriousness of the circumstances Stevenson Legal submits that conduct by the offender subsequent to the incident is a significant mitagating circumstances. Court agrees and proceeds by way of imposing the minimum disqualification period.
  • Stevenson Legal receives instructions in relation to a Family Violence Restraining Order. Negotiations take place with solicitors for the applicant and a resolution is reached avoiding the necessity for trial and dealing with the matter by way of a “without admission” undertaking.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on careless driving occasioning grievous bodily harm charge. Serious and permanent injuries suffered by victim. Mitigating circumstances presented to the court arguing that, notwithstanding the injuries, the surrounding circumstances would justify a fine alone and no term of imprisonment. Court agrees and fine is imposed.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with high ranged drink-driving. Negotiations take place with police prosecution who agree to a downgrade of the charge to careless driving only.

May 2019

  • Stevenson Legal acts for a client alleged to have committed a speeding offence which would have breached his demerit point good behaviour period. Stevenson Legal negotiates with the police prosecution which results in a discontinuance of the charge. Matter is discontinued by the Magistrates Court.

April 2019

  • Stevenson Legal appears at a final order hearing in relation to a Violence Restraining Order application. Negotiations are undertaken and the matter is resolved by way of an informal undertaking acceptable to both parties.

March 2019

  • Stevenson Legal appears on two separate matters where the offenders are seeking spent convictions for a drink-driving charge, and a failed to obey a police move on order. Both applications for a spent conviction are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on four separate applications for an Extraordinary Drivers Licence. All four applications are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with multiple counts of driving without authority. Negotiations with prosecution take place and submissions made to the Magistrates Court as to why no term of imprisonment should be ordered. Magistrates Court agreed with submissions and imposed fine and disqualifications only.

February 2019

  • Stevenson Legal represents client named as respondent in violence restraining order. Negotiations take place between the applicant and the respondent resulting in a negotiated settlement without the need for trial thus saving client the energy and costs associated with a final order hearing.​

December 2018

  • Stevenson Legal represents client charged with several counts of driving without authority, and providing false details to police. Application is made for a spent conviction so that convictions do not appear on ordinary national police clearance. Magistrates Court accepts basis for a spent conviction and makes those orders. Client accordingly avoids the adverse impact of declaring convictions to future employers.
  • Stevenson Legal represents client charged with speeding in circumstances of genuine medical emergency. Submissions made to the prosecution who accept the basis for a discontinuance. Speeding infringement is discontinued by order of the magistrates Court.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with driving without authority. Unusual circumstances where client has had an inability to obtain a license due to identification issues are explained to the court. Minimum sentences are imposed.

September 2018

  • Stevenson Legal appears for extraordinary driver’s licence application. Application is strongly opposed by the Department of Transport on the basis that client’s financial circumstances do not merit the application being granted. Stevenson legal persuades Magistrate to grant extraordinary drivers licence for client who is now back on the road operating his business.
  • Stevenson Legal represents client accused of assault occasioning bodily harm in circumstances of aggravation. Plea of not guilty on the basis of self defence is entered and proceeds to one day trial. Trial Magistrate agrees that self defence has been fairly raised and not negated beyond reasonable doubt by the prosecution. Client is found not guilty of the offence and is acquitted with an order that his legal costs be paid by the state. An excellent result.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for small business owner requiring an extraordinary drivers licence. Extraordinary drivers licence granted by the Perth magistrates Court.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client with high range drink-driving charge. Disclosing the conviction would threaten client’s career and an application is made for a ‘spent conviction’. The Magistrate granted the spent conviction application, noting that while it was rare to receive spent conviction is in relation to drink-driving cases, the criteria had been met and evidenced.

August 2018

  • Stevenson Legal appears in District Court of Western Australia in application to remove a life disqualification from driving. On the basis of materials and outline of submissions provided the application was not opposed by the State Solicitor’s office and the disqualification from driving for life was removed.

July 2018

  • Stevenson Legal appears for client charged with 5th driving without authority charge. Magistrate indicated that the starting position for sentencing would be a term of imprisonment unless the Court could be convinced to impose a lesser sentence. Extensive Plea in Mitigation provided to the court which, having considered the same, imposed only a fine and disqualification from driving.

June 2018

  • Stevenson Legal appears for applicant an Extraordinary Drivers Licence application. Client requires extraordinary drivers licence to continue working as a site manager for construction company. Department of Transport receive materials and submissions ahead of application and contentious issues are negotiated ahead of hearing. Accordingly, there is no opposition to clients application and the extraordinary drivers licence is granted.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of defendant charged with high range drink-driving. Court is persuaded to impose the minimum sentence given that the offence was out of character, and in extenuating circumstances.
    More significantly, an application is made for a spent conviction. Police prosecution strongly opposes the application (which relieves the client from having to disclose the offence to employers in the future). While noting the unusual nature of that application in relation to a drink driving convictions, the Magistrate is persuaded in the specific circumstances presented to grant that application.
    Spent conviction order granted.

May 2018

  • Stevenson Legal appears on behalf of client charged with two breaches of a violence restraining order. Significant evidence and materials provided to the court who proceeded by providing a spent conviction with respect to both charges, no fine, and no court costs. A better result could not be achieved in the circumstances.

April 2018

  • Stevenson Legal appears for two extraordinary drivers licence applications at the Perth Magistrate’s Court. Correspondence and evidence provided to the Department of Transport prior to the application being heard with the result that the Department of Transport did not oppose either application and both applications were granted without the need for clients to provide evidence under oath.
  • Stevenson Legal represents client charged with possession of over 200 grams of cannabis with intent to sell or supply. Unusual circumstances are explained to the court which declines to impose a term of imprisonment and proceeds by way of fine.
  • Stevenson Legal represents a client charged with mid-level drink-driving. Minimum fines and disqualification period is imposed. Significantly, Stevenson Legal also persuades the court to grant a spent conviction (meaning that the conviction is not disclosable unusual police clearances) in order to avoid significant difficulties that the conviction would have caused to the clients future international travel plans.

March 2018

  • Stevenson Legal appears representing a client charged with multiple breaches of a violence restraining order and bail conditions. Court is persuaded to not impose an immediate term of imprisonment and imposes a suspended term of imprisonment with no fine imposed.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for a client convicted of high ranged drink-driving. Court is persuaded to impose the minimum disqualification and fine. Significantly, the court is also persuaded to grant a spent conviction (meaning that the conviction is not disclosable on usual criminal records) in order to avoid any adverse impact to the clients career.

February 2018

  • Stevenson Legal acts on behalf of client with repeated driving without authority charges. Situation explained to court who imposed the minimum penalties available.

December 2017

  • Stevenson Legal acts on behalf of young offender charged with drink-driving in the context of a motor vehicle accident. Assisted in obtaining extraordinary driver’s license for family business.
  • Stevenson Legal acts on behalf of client charged with extreme high reading drink-driving charge. Extremely unique circumstances of the offence explained to court and a spent conviction in regards the drink-driving charge was ordered.
  • Stevenson Legal acts on behalf of small business owner seeking an extraordinary driver’s licence. Application granted and client able to drive for work purposes to continue earning an income notwithstanding disqualification from driving imposed by the court.

November 2017

  • Stevenson Legal Acts for young offender facing drug charges and possession of unlawful property. Stevenson Legal negotiates with the prosecution resulting in 50% of charges been discontinued. Client obtained spent convictions for the remaining charges so they will not appear on a police clearance.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for applicant in violence restraining order application with extended history. Negotiated settlement by way of informal undertaking resulting in the matter being resolved without the time and expense of court proceedings.
  • Stevenson Legal appears on two applications for an Extraordinary Drivers Licence – both are granted.

April 2017

  • Client charged with joint possession of 9 grams of methamphetamine and appears in District Court. Stevenson Legal proceeds to represent for sentencing purposes and client is sentenced to a suspended (not immediate) term of imprisonment. Extremely good result.

March 2017

  • Client charged with speeding offence and elects to go to court. Stevenson Legal persuades prosecution to drop the case and client is awarded legal costs
  • Stevenson Legal conducts negotiations and submissions with regional police with respect to a breach of an EDL. Prosecution accepts submissions that breach is at the lower end of seriousness and no cancellation of licence is sought by the prosecution.
  • Client charged with aggravated assault occasionally bodily harm. Negotiations with police resulting charge being downgraded to common assault only. Further,  sentencing submissions that only a condition release order (ie a good behaviour bond) is appropriate punishment accepted by courts.
  • Client charged with very high drink driving charge. Stevenson Legal provides significant migratory evidence for sentencing proceedimgs.

February 2017

  • Client charged with breaching terms of extraordinary drivers licence. Stevenson Legal appears and persuades court that, in the circumstances, a fine alone would be sufficient punishment and there is no requirement to cancel the extraordinary drivers licence.
  • Client charged with with assaulting a public officer as defined in the Criminal Code; application for spent conviction on the basis that a record may impact upon overseas business travel accepted and granted.
  • Client charged with aggravated assault occasioning bodily harm. Negotiations with police result in downgrading of charge to common assault only.
  • Stevenson Legal assists in obtaining extraordinary drivers licence in Magistrates Court for small business owner.

January 2017

  • Client charged with driving without authority and drink driving causing an accident. Client already disqualified from driving for a drink driving incident earlier in 2016. Magistrates Court accepts that despite the previous history only the minimum penalties need to be imposed in all the circumstances of the case.
  • Stevenson Legal appears at two applications for an extraordinary drivers licence. Despite being opposed by the Department of Transport both applications are granted.

December 2016

  • Mature aged client charged with causing fear or alarm to helicopter crew by pointing laser pointer at helicopter. Conviction threatens client’s overseas travel plans. Stevenson Legal persuades court to order a Spent Conviction Order to diminish the harm to future travel plans.

November 2016

  • Client charged with driving without authority due to unpaid fines. Stevenson Legal approaches police and persuades them that the charge ought to be discontinued. Matter dismissed and legal costs ordered in client’s favour.
  • Client pleads guilty to a charge of domestic violence in circumstances of aggravation. Mitigating submissions are presented to the court as to why a term of imprisonment would be inappropriate. The court orders a supervision order and no term of imprisonment, suspended or otherwise.
  • Young client found with drug paraphernalia in his possession. The conviction threatened to adversely impact his future employment prospects. Stevenson Legal persuades the court to order a Spent Conviction Order so that the conviction does not need to be disclosed.
  • Company client answers charge of failing to provide driver details of vehicle travelling at 288 kph. Stevenson Legal provides advice and representation and mid-range fine imposed.

October 2016

  • Stevenson Legal appears for sentencing in District Court for client with 9.8 grams of methamphetamine. Pre-Sentence Order made for court to consider imposing suspended rather than immediate term of imprisonment.
  • Client charged with 6th driving without authority matter. Court persuaded to impose fines only with no order of imprisonment.
  • Stevenson Legal appears for client seeking extraordinary drivers licence with third drinking driving conviction. Application granted and client able to drive for work purposes and protect his only source of income.
  • Client appears in Magistrate Court with third high rage drinking charge. Significant mental health issues raised in mitigation for the court. No life disqualification imposed.
  • Stevenson Legal represents accused with significant quantity of MDMA with intent to sell or supply. Jail avoided with 12 month term of imprisonment ordered but suspended for 12 months.

September 2016

  • Accused caught with quantity of methlyamphetamine, MDMA and Cannabis. Negotiations see the major charge downgraded and the matter remains in the lower Magistrates Court.
  • Driver caught driving unauthorised for 6th time avoids term of imprisonment after Plea in Mitigation provided to the Court by Stevenson Legal.
  • Stevenson Legal assists driver with 4 x prior drink driving convictions obtain an extraordinary drivers licence.
  • Extraordinary drivers licence granted for tradesman after second excess 0.08% drink driving offence but otherwise good driving record.
  • Client charged with 3rd drink driving offence. Magistrate Court accepts mitigating factors to the benefit of client and imposes the minimum possible sentence.

April 2016

  • Client charged with drink driving, careless driving and leaving the scene of an accident. Stevenson Legal negotiates a dismissal of the charge of leaving the scene and obtains minimum sentences on the remaining two charges.
  • Client charged with aggravated domestic assault. Stevenson Legal negotiates dismissal of the charge with police prosecutions and obtains a costs order in favour of client.
  • Stevenson Legal acts for client named as respondent in a Violence Restraining Order matter. Attendance at mention hearing leads to application being dismissed.

March 2016

  • Stevenson Legal appears at Perth Magistrates Court for two different clients both applying for extraordinary drivers licences required to retain their employment. Both applications are granted.
  • Stevenson Legal obtains two clients extraordinary driver’s licenses at the Perth Magistrates Court.

January 2016

  • Stevenson Legal acts for a client served with a violence restraining order from ex-partner. Matter dismissed.

December 2015

  • Client charged with drink-driving and dangerous driving. Stevenson Legal assists with a plea in Mitigation made to the Magistrates Court. Moderate fines imposed.
  • Stevenson Legal assists young woman obtain extraordinary driver’s licence after five losses of licence for driving without authority.


I was referred to Nick by a satisfied friend of mine who has also used his services. Nick achieved the optimum end result I was after, highly recommend, many thanks!
Tyrall Sutherland
Highly recommended, very professional, great out come and just a really good man, I had tried multiple lawyers, 6 or 7 of them from the Perth area, he was the most straight forward and honest one, the rest were humming and haaaring about my case, if it wasn't for Nick Stevenson I would be sitting behind bars right now, thank you Stevenson Legal - best in the business!
Tyson Mabbett
Awesome lawyer would highly recommend to everyone in need of a good lawyer. 100% the man.
Ihaka Raimona
Nick was extremely clear and concise with his advice from the moment I engaged him and was very knowledgeable about the whole process. But most importantly he got the job done and achieved the desired result for myself. Would highly recommend.
Andrew Riley
Nick is a highly competent individual. He immediately honed in on the most advantageous manner to pursue my case without extracting hours of unproductive, frivolous details and costly charges. Innocence is not a forgone conclusion if you don't know how to navigate the legal system. Without his acumen, I would have ignorantly accepted an outcome with unforeseen long-term repercussions. I owe a debt of gratitude for his services. On the day I was required in court, Nick was able to guide me through the procedure and what I should expect. With out his help, I would still be without a license. I have no problem recommending Nick Stevenson to any of my business associates and Look forward to employing his services in the future.
Julie Armstrong
After a terrible experience with another lawyer we sought out the services of Nick for an Extraordinary Drivers Licence application and am so glad we did. Nick is professional and clearly very experienced. He made the process simple for us with the exact outcome we were hoping for. Highly recommend! Thanks again Nick.
Chris M
Nick from the start made me feel very comfortable and his professionalism around the task at hand was outstanding. Nick's attention to detail, ability to pass on information, knowledge of the laws meant I knew I had the perfect partner. Nick was affordable and organized throughout the whole process I would recommend Nick to all who would be interested. Completely Satisfied!
Mike Evans
My partner found herself in a tricky situation involving a drink driving charge. Nick gave us his professional opinion on how he believed the case would pan out. Everything he said that first day was accurate and resulted in a fantastic outcome for us. Highly recommended. Anyone needing legal advice in regards drink driving matters should do themselves a favour and go see Nick. Thanks again for your help and advice!
Brett Gibson
Nick represented me in a serious traffic offence matter. Outstanding legal argument from him managed to persuade the Magistrate for a spent conviction. I highly recommend Nick. You won’t get much better than him.
Rick Karaitiana
I engaged Stevenson Legal to represent me in my extraordinary license application. At all times Nick was thorough and diligent. This resulted in me being granted an 'E' License which has helped me tremendously. Very happy with the service and would recommend him in a heartbeat!
Ben Martin
I highly recommend Stevenson Legal. From first meeting through court appearance Nick was thorough, rational and honest. His manner and explanation of procedure before entering the courtroom was very reassuring and his presence and knowledge when in court was very impressive. I could not be happier with the outcome.
Marcus P
I recently engaged Nicholas Stevenson of Stevenson Legal to represent me against a charge that carried a substantial fine and imprisonment. Nick was able to obtain a "Spent Conviction" for me. Nick was clearly at ease with the court environment and acted with great competency and professionalism. I highly recommend him.
Alun Dufty
I can highly recommend Nick Stevenson. Without his representation I would not have my extraordinary driver's licence for which I am truly grateful. I can now keep my job which I was in danger of losing. Nick is always available, friendly, understanding and speaks in easy to understand language, never judgemental, Simply the best!
Wendy Andri
Nick is an outstanding lawyer, who doesn't sell you the world and deliver you nothing. He uses he extensive legal knowledge and experience, to give you a defence which will lead to the best outcome in relation to the charge you are facing. He is extremely competent in compiling any evidence which may provide mitigating circumstances to your offence. I would not hesitate to use his services again in the future. A 5/5 lawyer and his fees are money well spent.
Thankyou Nick for a job well done. My partner was looking down the barrel at imprisonment if she did nothing but turn up to court but Nick managed to gain the minimum time off the road and a minimal fine considering what could of been for a major DUI offence. I found Nick to be very thorough and extremely professional. He ticked all the right boxes on the day!! Thanks again Nick!!
Sean Osborne
Nick was very professional in the handling of my son Adam’s application for his Extraordinary Drivers Licence. Nick is very direct and honest we thought our son would get refused but Nick’s preparation and legal knowledge got our son through this dark chapter. I would have no hesitation in recommending Nick, Thanks again Nick!
Karen Bowers
Highly recommend Nick he has helped me with 2 cases first one lifting a life licence ban and now getting my extraordinary licence condition changed to allow me a truck licence when the prosecutors objected to it. Both cases he was successful. Very knowledgeable with law and great help HIGHLY RECOMMEND👍👍👍👍
Damien Jurgens
This experience of losing my licence has been one of the toughest to deal with but dealing with Nick Stevenson has been one of the best outcomes I could have imagined. His professionalism and attention to detail in his organisational skills are second to none and made my court experience feel like a breeze. I was honoured my extraordinary licence by the judge on the day with no fuss whatsoever. Thank you Nick Stevenson I am very pleased I chose you to be my lawyer through a tough situation. Thank you!
Jarrod Coote
Nick was very professional from the onset with my case. Nick informed me of all required information throughout the whole process and made it very simple and stress free. I applied for EDL which was required for work purposes. Due to a thorough collection of supporting documents and a extensive justification as to why my EDL was necessary we were successful. Not only were we successful in being granted my EDL but all desired outcomes were achieved, only the mandatory restrictions were applied to my EDL. Due to the successful outcome of my hearing I have been able to continue with my employment without any worry or repercussions and most importantly loss of income. I can't thank Nick enough for his efforts and I highly recommend anyone who finds themself in a similar situation to seek his services asap to achieve the best possible outcome. Thankyou again Nick!
I was first introduced to Nick Stevenson from Stevenson Legal in December 2013. My Licence was cancelled and I was required to apply for an Extraordinary Drivers Licence. From the first meeting with Nick, I was so impressed with his high attention to detail and customer service. He helped me organize all the information required, His Focus on Completing Task and working collaboratively to ensure a consist approach was shared. On the day I was required in Court, Nick was able to guild me though the procedure and what I should expect. Without his help, I would still be without a licence. I have No Problem recommending Nick Stevenson to any of my Business Associates and Look forward to employing his services in the future.
Ashley Newick